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Smoking is prohibited in EHA units and in common areas. Smoking is only allowed in outdoor areas. This policy applies to any and all persons entering EHA housing properties including EHA residents, guests and visitors, partners, contractors and EHA employees.


EHA’s Smoke-Free Housing Policy is focused on the act of smoking, not the smoker. The purpose of the policy is to create a healthier, safer, and cleaner living environment for all residents. The U.S. Surgeon General has warned that breathing secondhand smoke for even a short time is dangerous. Smoke migrates between units in multi-family housing and HUD has strongly encouraged public housing authorities to adopt a smoke free policy since 2009. In 2016, HUD required all housing authorities to go smoke free.


Smoking is defined as inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying any lighted cigar, cigarette, electronic cigarette, pipe, weed, plant, or any combustible substance in any manner or in any form.


Tenants are required to sign a lease addendum acknowledging EHA’s smoke-free policy.
Violation of the smoke-free policy will be considered a breach of the lease and may be grounds for eviction.

1st violation – written warning 

2nd violation – written letter of lease violation 

3rd violation – probation

4th violation – 30-day notice of lease-termination.

EHA may suspend lease termination process if the family agrees to attend an smoking cessation class and present EHA with a certificate of completion and a signed commitment to comply with EHA’s Smoke-free Housing Policy. Enforcement progression is based on violations per household, not per tenant.

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